Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Social Studies: Immigration Info

This week's focus will be immigration. The official definition of this word is the arrival of settlers in a new country for permanent living. We discussed what it means to immigrate, or be an immigrant today and we broke this definition down. We know that immigration basically means going to a new country to live there.

Today, our homework was to interview our family to find out where our family came to America from. This information will be used in our quiz on Friday. The quiz will differ from the normal format. We will be writing a letter. The following elements will be included in the letter: you are an immigrant to America, you are writing to a family member that is still in the old country, you must describe the immigration experience of arriving to Ellis or Angel Island, and you must include a picture with a caption. The picture should be a simple sketch that illustrates one of the details mentioned in the letter.

In order to get an idea of what the immigrant experience was like long ago, we did a little research online. Visit this link to explore Ellis Island and read diaries from real immigrants. You can also look at charts and graphs of immigrant data over time.

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