Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Newsletter Info

Social Studies
Our journey around the United States brings us to the Midwest this week. We will study the gentle, rolling farmland that is popular in this region. We will also learn about the climate of the region, with its cold, snowy winters. Students will be introduced to the notable landmarks and attractions like the Great Lakes, Sear's Tower, and St. Louis Arch. The quiz will be Friday.

We will have a quiz on Wednesday that will cover reflection and refraction. Later in the week, we will experiment with how light can be absorbed and how we see color. Students will experiment with compact discs and prisms to explore rainbows.

Math Workshop
We are continuing our studies of surveys and graphs. This week, we will dive into representing categorical data by using a picture or graph. The students are using data to compare groups. We are also learning the characteristics of bar graphs (i.e. title, x and y axis with labels, intervals, bars, a key, etc.). As we notice things about graphs, we are using a list of useful phrases to help us go deeper in our analysis. The list includes the following phrases: almost all, very few, half, less than half, or more than half. Please continue to look for real-world examples of bar-graphs and send them in for the class to share. Your child will earn 3 success tickets if they do so. So far, only one student out of 55 has brought in a graph to share.

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