Sunday, May 1, 2011

Newsletter Info

Math Workshop
We are continuing our work in Surveys and Line Polts. In this unit, the students are collecting, representing, describing and interpreting data. They are also designing and carrying out their own data investigations in class. Ask your child about the data we have collected so far as a class. The homework sheet for this week is Sheet #30 and will be checked in class on Wednesday and Friday. The students will have a quiz on Tuesday. The quiz will be a mixed review of items we have covered during our calendar math time. Please note: We are offering a revision opportunity on last week's fraction assessment. Students who earned a 14 out of 20 or lower may revise their work to earn up to 15 out of 20 points. Revisions are due no later than Friday, May 6th. Late revisions will not be accepted. The assessments (with revision directions) were distributed to students who qualified for revisions on Thursday (April 28th) of last week. Please check the grade portal or talk with your child about their score to verify whether or not they qualify for revisions.

Second Step
This week we will continue with anger management as it relates to dealing with disappointment. We all feel disappointed at different times when things don't go our way or when situations do not work out as we expected them to. We will discuss how to anticipate and cope with feelings of disappointment.

Social Studies
Our tour of the United States continues with a visit to the Southwest. Students will map the 4 states in this region: Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma. We will learn about the desert that covers much of the region, as well as major landmarks like the Grand Canyon and Hoover Dam. The quiz will be Friday.

Our study of Light Energy continues with a more in depth look at how light travels. We will have a quiz on Wednesday where students will have to be able to explain how light travels, identify sources of light energy, and be familiar with our new light vocabulary words: reflect, refract, and absorb.

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