We are currently getting a grasp of the basic forms of energy. In order to better understand each of the 5 basic energy forms third graders need to know, we have divided up into groups and each group is taking charge of one of the energy forms. We are working in class to research and collect 3 examples that show how people use their assigned energy form. Each group is also providing a short explanation of how the energy form causes change or motion (i.e. does work). Groups can also earn points for neatness (museum quality work with no scribbles) and teamwork (everyone has to compromise and put in an effort). Parents, ask your child how their poster is going. Kids, teach your parents about your energy form.
When we present our posters next week, we will use a graphic organizer to take notes on all five energy forms (light, heat, sound, electrical, and mechanical), since we will need to be able to identify examples of all five forms on the quiz next Wednesday. The quiz will also focus on the importance of the light and heat energy that we get from the Sun. Studying the notes we took in class on the Sun is a great review. Doubt the energy of the Sun...just remember "The Atomic Penny Vaporizer" video we watched in class! It proves how powerful the Sun's energy can be!
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