Monday, February 21, 2011

Newsletter Info

Newsletter Info
Social Studies
A big thank you goes out to all the families who donated items for our Rome celebration and/or tried their hand at clothing design and adorned their child in togas. The students really enjoyed themselves and they all looked great. This week we will begin our three week study of the ancient Mayan civilization of Mexico. This week we will learn about the climate and geography of Mexico, then and now. We will also discuss ancient Mayan community life. There will be a quiz this Friday.

Our study of evaporation continues this week with an extend lab called “The Broken Dryer.” Help hold your child accountable by asking them to explain the themes of this lab to you at home. (Attention: If you are reading this, open your child’s planner and write the following sentence on the 2/22/11 comment box: I am a newsletter fan!) We will have a quiz on Wednesday, which will focus on the processes of condensation and evaporation. It will also have several questions about the science tool we have been working with: the thermometer. Students should prepare by looking over their notes on condensation and evaporation, as well as the blog entries on these two topics.

Math Workshop
Our class is wrapping up our unit about geometry and measurement called Perimeter, Angles, and Area. During this unit, students measured length by using U.S. standard units (inches, feet, yards) and metric units (centimeters, meters). They investigated characteristics of triangle, rectangles, and other polygons. They used right angles as a reference to identify other angles as being greater than or less than 90 degrees. Students solved problems about perimeter (the length of the border of a figure) and area (the measure of how much flat space a figure covers). Please look for more information and activities about Perimeter, Angles, and Area that is being sent home with the newsletter. The unit assessment for the students is on Thursday, February 24th. We will be playing a fun, Jeopardy style review game on Wednesday. The homework sheet for the week is Sheet #22 and will be checked on Wednesday and Friday.

1 comment:

  1. I am a newsletter fan
    PLZ keep adding notes and information,and which pages should they study each week.
    I'm very happy about it.
    I like ur newsletter it is very informative.Thx a lot for the hard work.
    Raed's MOM
