Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Newsletter Info

Social Studies
This week’s lesson focuses on the Navajo, a Native American tribe that existed long ago and is still around today in parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. We will learn how these people adapted to their desert environment and learned to utilize the resources available there. We will also discuss the cultural traditions and religious ceremonies of the tribe. The quiz will be on Friday.

There will be a quiz on Thursday. Students will need to know the structures (parts) of a plant, as well as their functions in helping the plant to live and grow. Students should study their notebooks and green packets to prepare; the blog is another great study tool. Take a peek into your child’s notebook and packets; are they using time wisely to complete their work?
The rest of the week will be spent conducting observations of our student generated plant experiments. Ask your child about their experiment. We will also begin discussing how plants are grouped (i.e. deciduous and coniferous), as well as how plants respond to changing seasons.

Math Workshop
There will be a math quiz on Tuesday, focusing on groups of 10, groups of 100, standard and expanded form, locating numbers on the 1,000 chart, ordering 3 digit numbers, and counting up and down the 1,000 chart by multiples of 10. These are all skills we have been working on for the past four weeks, so they should be very familiar to your child.

This week we will continue developing and practicing strategies for solving story problems and equations involving 3 digit numbers. We will also be learning a new game: Collections Match, which will reinforce this concept. If you would like to play a round with your child, encourage them to check out a deck of Collection Cards. Observe their strategies. Do they keep track of the steps in their strategy work? Are they accurate in their computations? Do they break the numbers apart efficiently (either by place value, multiples of 10 and 100, or combinations of 10 or 100)?

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